BC Fish Passage Model - Nicola

fish passage
Predictions of fish-bearing and non-fish-bearing stream reaches

Mazany-Wright et al 2021


September 1, 2021

Applications of the BC Fish Passage Model to the Nicola Watershed with larger considerations to connectivity from the Nicola Fish Passage Working Group.

(Mazany-Wright et al 2021) Potentially accessible stream segments within the Lower Nicola River watershed. These do not represent useable habitat types, but rather identify the stream segments within which habitat modelling and barrier mapping and prioritization was undertaken.


Mazany-Wright, N., R. E. Bailey, S. M. Norris, J. Noseworthy, B. Rebellato, S. Sra, and N. W. R. Lapointe. 2021. Lower Nicola River Watershed Connectivity Remediation Plan: 2021- 2031. Canadian Wildlife Federation. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


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